Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tetons & Yellowstone National Park

What is a 4-hour trip without a speeding Ticket??? The most expensive Family Portrait.

"A picture? Well, that's a first. But heck! Why not, I am a big kid my self. Come on young children!"-The nice Wyoming officer carrying Anna.

Yellowstone has a lot of these. So do Joel and Brandon.

The crew.

Montana-Idaho. In Montana. Looking at Grand Targhee National Forest, Idaho.

Where is Old Faithful?

"Resting" in Ashton, ID.

Tetons National Park Sunset.

A nice puppy.

Even Joel went to church!

I am a good girl.

The Chapel of the Transfiguration.

Still standing.

The Simple Life.

Shrek's toilet.

This is how people got to Tetons National Park

Moving van.

The original cabin


Anna under water.

I am just animal watching, the animals watching me.


Elk in West Yellowstone.

Ashton, ID. I guess Idaho is not a big potato field after all.

Run Forrest!

Yellowstone National Park, WY, ID, MT

 "Why is it so stinky?"- Anthony.
 Hissing  geyser.
 "Can we swim in the warm spring".
 Hot bacterial spring.
 Volcanic Tableland
 Old Faithful Geyser.
 "The price is right!"
 Waiting for Old Faithful...he must be running late.
 That's why Old Faithful disappeared. Anna ate it!
 "Did you really eat it? Show me."
"Baby" elk.
Moose is Loose :-)

Are you looking at me, huh?

Boiling Fountain Paint Pot

Flowers growing near the hot springs and geysers.

West Yellowstone.

After a long day.

Grizzly Bear.

He was getting too close, time to go.

Walking around Geyser Basin.

Volcanic wall.
