Friday, August 28, 2009


It's all about Daddy! Feliz Cumple!

"Anthony look, look at the camera!"

"Don't give him the candle. He will eat it!"- Mama.

"He just wants to lick it! See?"- Joel.
"I think he is eating it" - Anna.

Yes, he was eating it. (I posted a picture of the candle but somehow I deleted it.)

The best Daddy!

" We love you Daddy!"- Anna. "Gah"- Anthony, which means thank you. His new favorite word "Gracias"

I had to take a picture of this. Joel went to the bedroom and Anthony followed him.

Of course the monkey came back to check what I was taking pictures of.

Let's play dirty!

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse than this....

I remember my mom getting very upset because I was playing with dirt...Now I understand how she felt.

Anna gave Anthony a "dust bath" and of course the little guy was delighted. He decided to put more "sparkles" on his head.

I won't feed the puppies while Anthony and Anna are loose. Lesson learned.

I was not going to take those two inside my house, so I bathed them in the dogs' pool.

How could I stay mad at this handsome boy...

And this sweet little girl?

I'll take you for a ride big sister!

"Bye, Bye, Bye"

Anna teaching Anthony to count using Cheerios: "Anthony, what happens when you have two cheerios and you add two more? How many do you have?" Anthony hurries with his eyes wide open and eats one. Anna-"Four! But you ate one so we only have? Three!". Anna eats two more. "We only have one now...but I eat the last one and we have 0!". Anna is all into math these days.

You can never take a picture of "the teacher" without her posing.

One down...two more to go.

We finally finished the bathroom in the basement. It used to be a big room with a closet/shower?, a toilet and a sink. We demolished the whole thing and replaced everything even the "nice" closet/shower? with a bathtub.

We installed the tile by one. We are getting pretty good at it. :)

Nice new kitchen and bathroom, what to do about that messy husband?

This is a pisture of the room after we demolished the closet/shower...who knows what...the floors used to be a bathroom.