Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween and other FUN stuff

The Witch and The Lion in a quest for candy.

La Bruja y El Leon en busca de dulces.


The crew.

Too much Halloween...

Even a witch can loose a hat after a night of too much candy.

No candy was involved during the accident that caused Anthony to have a big red bump on his forehead, as well as a red nose.

On other news Anna loves painting...on paper, toenails, clothes, you name it. She calls her self "An Expe'o't painter". A very modest child you can say.

If your first bigwheels was an empty beer must be a redneck.

If you eat your cheerios out of a recycled restaurant plastic cup...

If your children could win a contest for looking like their pet toys...

Enough redneck stuff, let's play puppies!


Painted faces...after many many pictures, we could not get the right angle...but they were happy showing off their spiders and horses.

Echo. A ghost town.

View from the church.

Next to the church is the cementery. It is a very strange place.

After a few hours walking around a "ghost town" (there are people still living in some of the homes. More than homes they are like old mansions.) you get sleepy.

Just getting cooled off.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Summer gone...Winter is here!

Snow in September.

It is a very good thing that we enjoyed the summer!
Hot cocoa days here we come.

"What are you waiting for Anthony?"-Joel.

Yummy biscuits!


I can take my own pictures.

I can tie my shoes...over and over...


This is what being confortable looks like.

Oh yeah baby! This is what life is all about!...Anna, scratch my belly please.

"Hey bear...bear".

Just taking a little nap.

Laurie, could you put me down? I am getting hungry.

Friday, August 28, 2009


It's all about Daddy! Feliz Cumple!

"Anthony look, look at the camera!"

"Don't give him the candle. He will eat it!"- Mama.

"He just wants to lick it! See?"- Joel.
"I think he is eating it" - Anna.

Yes, he was eating it. (I posted a picture of the candle but somehow I deleted it.)

The best Daddy!

" We love you Daddy!"- Anna. "Gah"- Anthony, which means thank you. His new favorite word "Gracias"

I had to take a picture of this. Joel went to the bedroom and Anthony followed him.

Of course the monkey came back to check what I was taking pictures of.

Let's play dirty!

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse than this....

I remember my mom getting very upset because I was playing with dirt...Now I understand how she felt.

Anna gave Anthony a "dust bath" and of course the little guy was delighted. He decided to put more "sparkles" on his head.

I won't feed the puppies while Anthony and Anna are loose. Lesson learned.

I was not going to take those two inside my house, so I bathed them in the dogs' pool.

How could I stay mad at this handsome boy...

And this sweet little girl?

I'll take you for a ride big sister!

"Bye, Bye, Bye"

Anna teaching Anthony to count using Cheerios: "Anthony, what happens when you have two cheerios and you add two more? How many do you have?" Anthony hurries with his eyes wide open and eats one. Anna-"Four! But you ate one so we only have? Three!". Anna eats two more. "We only have one now...but I eat the last one and we have 0!". Anna is all into math these days.

You can never take a picture of "the teacher" without her posing.