Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fotos Divertidas :-)

Cautious driver....
Snow angels

Palomas de nieve!

Spring is not always flowers and pollen.

"It is frozen!"

Bano calientito. Despues de tanta diversion en el frio.

"Dancing with Anthony is funny!"
Orange-y smiles :-D

The little thinker.


Anna is 6 and toothless...Anthony is 3 and unstoppable.

Anna's Big Day, "It is incredible! I am 6! 6 years old!"

It is not Anthony's Birthday without a Monster Truck!

Yes, he can live without this guy!

"Happy birthday to meeeee, happy birthday to meeeee!"

MOAB 2011

Yes, the arches are HUGE! Joel and Anna in this picture...

The little family!
Anna and the Delicate Arch at Sunset

Me and the delicate arch...haha! Sin tener que escalar por una hora!

Tio Brandon!
Anna y su tio Brandon

Somebody is tired!...ME!
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