Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Curious George and The Man with the Yellow Hat in Town!

Say Cheese everyone!...I always thought that the man with the yellow hat had brown eyes, I was wrong.
Anthony was so happy with George...that was not his first impression.
Anna was the happiest girl, again!
Just look at that smile.
Anthony, on the other hand...he was like "What that?"

Visitors in our Back Yard...

Watch your paws Chief!
Los vecinos trajeron sus caballos por unas horas a nuestro patio de atras...Los ninos fascinados!
Anthony loves horses!

The horses recognized Anna! She was the happiest girl!

Que hemos estado haciendo ultimamente?

Anna comiendo la mezcla para pastel de chocolate...Anna eating cake mix.
Anthony con su amigo Ernie..
Playing with daddy...
Taking a picture. Anthony loves Anna's hair...But ask Anna how she feels about it.
Pero ademas de que Anthony hala el pelo de Anna, los dos son muy buenos amigos, pasan mucho tiempo juntos. Creo que ayuda el hecho de que Anna habla mucho y Anthony no. Porque si los dos hablaran...uju!
With Thatcher. They like playing together.
Thatcher trata de ayudar a Anthony a salirse de la silla, pero Anthony esta muy piernudo, asi que es un tanto dificil para el. "Come on Anthony, get out of that chair!"
Just like their daddies...future Engineers.
Anna got her first motorcycle...and she loves it! Chief not so much.

Anthony likes watching his sister drive as fast as she can...
Snow is back!
Celebrating Daddy's birthday! He is 27, finally!
This is the way Daddy takes care of Anthony while Mommy and Anna do the shopping.

Anthony loves to be around so many tools.