Friday, December 28, 2007

Birthday #3 At the Museum of Natural History

Preparing the cake before we leave...

Who needs a mixer when you have Anna....Dejando el pastel listo antes de salir.

Llegando am Museo, este grandioso Dinosaurio te da la Bienvenida...que bueno que es falso...
(Arriving to the Museum...good thing it is a fake one.)

"A fishy...a fishy...up there!"

Discovering new Dinosaur bones...Descubriendo nuevos huesos de Dinosaurio.

Found a BIG ONE!

Almost same size of shoes....casi la misma talla de zapatos.

And Gloves, too.

"Un oso, un oso...y un gatito!"..."A bear, a bear and a kitty-kitty!".

"The puppy looks like Chief".

"Just like the one George discovered"

Ha de haber sido dificil cazar la cena...un Mamut....(Dinner!).

"Wow!"...La palabra favorita de Anna en el Museo.

"Can I use the phone?".

More bones and Eggs.

"He looks hungry....Oh pobrecito"

Homesick still?...Anna made a 4.2 Earthquake!

Back home... No need for a toothpick to check if the cake was ready!

Anna wanted a Choo-Choo Train for her birthday...

So she had one!

Pidiendo in deseo y soplando las velas...Anna canto feliz cumpleanos a ella misma...bueno aun lo canta.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Decorating that old Christmas tree...

Anna's favorite thing to do is decorating the Christmas tree...and it gets redecorated every day.

Grandma Miller gave her a Christmas Special Edition Cabbage Patch doll two years ago and Anna likes it on top of the to the "Star" that mommy and her made.

Putting on the final touches...

Done! For today that is.

What to do during snowy days...

Hacer caras...como esta...(make some faces)

Sonreir para la foto....(take pictures)

Probarme el gorro me hace reir...(I like this hat)

Próbują (wypróbowywać) na przyjemnym polskim kapeluszu...probarme un buen sombrero polaco...Try on a nice Polish hat.

Creo que me gusta este mejor!...(this one is the best!)

Jugar con el perro afuera....Usando...que mas el saco de Spiderman de Jorgito! (Jorgito's jacket is warm! )

Es realmente calientito!

Construir una casa, aunque la puerta no cierre. (Build a house...Can Anna fix it? Yes, she can)

Tal ves desde afuera la pueda arreglar. (But that door is giving her touble)

Despues de tanta accion una siesta es lo adecuado. Especialmente durmiendo con un gusanito...(Better take a nap with a wormy friend)

Sleep Baby sleep...

Despues de todo ese trabajo hasta papi se durmio...