Sunday, January 10, 2010

A 5 Year Old Girl

Anna is five! And she likes it! She asks when is she going to school? When is she going to be six? How many days to get there? She talks and talks and talks....

Anna tiene cinco! Y le encanta, se preocupa como se ve, que zapatos se va a poner....tarararara...asi es mi hija.

A birthday party! Anna with Clara, Rory and Isaiah.

Anna at 4 years old, and very pink.

At 4 and also a big sister.

At 3 years old.

Birthday # 2

A 1 year old girl.

When I was just a baby....

My first Day!

Christmas 2009

Let's see who's been good this year....Can you tell? Will it last?

Freeze! 1-2-3...say cheese!

Cookies and Milk for Santa.

The days after toys...or should I say new boxes to play with?

You know your sister loves you when she kisses you even if you don't want her to.

We got the picture, let's dance!

Monsters in the closet.

Safety first!


Thanksgivig at the Miller's

One happy-growing-Thanksgiving-family-celebration 2009
Back (sort of) Kennith, Desiree, Me, Dennis, Kristy, Grandma, Leslie, Anthony, Joel, Marvin, Chelsea. Front: Brooklyn, Anna, Carmen and Joel.
The cousins: Joel, Justin, Kennith, Chelsea (and baby), Patrick.

Playing with Grandma.

"Good Bye Gradpa, we are going back home!"- Anna.

Anthony and Grandpa Miller.