Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Crazy Month of March

Everybody Loves Anna:

Chief loves Anna; if Anna does not come to Chief, Chief comes to kiss her, whether she likes it or not!

Anthony loves Anna; when He cries, Anna sings to him.

Riding..."hosies" Le gusta montar la escoba...

Arre caballito!

Making a Spider web...


I would like to make one, too.

Mommy loves Anna; she helps with chores around the house.

And the snow begins it is time to go out! -At least for Anna-

Silver City, another Ghost town and another attempt to climb a mountain.
With the truck at least.
Sunny but Cold.

Lots of buildings, Anna found several "Shiny rocks".
And old bricks.


"Daddy get me down!"

"Hurry Mommy Hurry!"

Back home the egg hunt begins. Anna did not want to wear a fancy dress. "Chief se lo come, no quiedo!"

"hai muchos mami ayudeme"

Chief hid them, he is an expert, as for the missing ones, shells tell the whole story.

Daddy rescued some.

And even more snow...

Daddy finally got his recliner!

Anthony gets to use it, too!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Brother & Sister...Sister & Brother...?

"I can help, I'll do it carefully"...
I like taking care of my little brother.

"His feet are my favorite!"

I help him to get ready to go out...


We take naps...not very long ones, though.

But napping is still Anthony's favorite activity...on the floor;

Daddy's arms;

Rocking chair; Oh wait!...
Turn off the lights!...oh, is that the sun?

This is what happens when you comb curls!