Saturday, August 23, 2008

A family that plays together...

"Tu crees que me veo como Sexy?"- Anna.
Que tal Yo?
"Me veo mas alta".

Riding my first truck!
A family that plays together, usually takes naps together.

Encontre un buen lugar para esconderme.

The Back Yard is so much Fun!

Watch what comes next when Chief gets on the way...



"Your mamma don't dance and your daddy don't rock 'n rooooollll!".

En El Zoologico

En la boca del Leon.

En la de una serpiente.
Anna es un pollito!
Diciendo: Adios Anna!
El Leon furioso.
Agarrate bien Anna!
Anthony stretching to see his sister riding the Lion.

"The Show of the senses" was fun! least for Anthony.

And Anna, too.

Hola mami!
El elefante estornuda y avienta mocos...jiji!

El hipopotamos solo se sienta.

Leones, igual.


Description: The suspect is aprox. 6 ' tall, people that has seen him say he was very hairy;

Bruises every where, two broken legs;

He may look like this.
Es un camaleon, se cree que el sujeto es muy peligroso. Especialmente despues de que come queso.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Right after eating a biscuit...Barriga llena corazon contento.

This is how Pleasure looks like. Asi se ve el Placer.

With Daddy...
Eating that biscuit!

Eating that foot.


Sometimes she sits and thinks, and sometimes she just sits.

That swing is a winner.

Climbing all the way to the top...escalando hasta la punta.

Ok, not all the way. No hasta la punta pues.

Yeah! You guessed it. That is Anna "The Ghost". Anna, el fantasma.

A drawing artist. Artista del dibujo. "A ladybug".

"An ant, and some grass". " Hormiga y pasto"

"Another Ladybug", or the same one, it just got more spots, no sun protection.

"A bee". Next time we'll post "daddy's picture" by Anna.
A nap.