Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mommy Anna...

Since the puppies were born, Anna has been with them most of the time. She even has names for them. She says she named them, and I quote "Depending on theid pe-sonalities. One is T..avis (Travis) because he is is always ba..king and biting the otha puppies, he is a toublemaka! Haha! And the otha are Floudecent, Shiva, Chief, and Boss." Anna's 'best fend' Laurie, and Jeremy (a friend's son.) helped with the names and meanings...(I think.)

There they are in action, taking good care of the herd.

They don't mind being pampered. Anna's tattoo matched her outfit...groovy, like she said.

Anna reads to them, which does not seem to be their favorite thing, they always end up falling asleep. But Anna says they will learn...can't wait to see the results! If Martha speaks...

We just hope that Anna won't suffer once the puppies find new homes. :-(

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