Saturday, November 15, 2008

Working Hard and Hardly working...

Picking up more leaves! That's what the kids were doing when play got in the way.

Climbing trees with Keiana.

We have over 14 mature trees in our back yard, that is why we have sooooo much clean up to do before winter.

Since Anthony learned to crawl he has been helping a lot as well. He likes to take the dishes out of the dishwasher...before they are clean.

Anna tells him how good of a job he is doing and he loves it!

Snow is suppoused to happen after the clean up is done...well not in this case, we woke up with plenty one day, not much warning.

Anna made a Snowman, she remembered her friend Yun. "Maybe Yun can help us next time."

Snowball fighting! Poor Chief and Sheva, only if they have hands instead of paws.

Back inside, Anna makes her own bed, and she is so proud.

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