Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween and other FUN stuff

The Witch and The Lion in a quest for candy.

La Bruja y El Leon en busca de dulces.


The crew.

Too much Halloween...

Even a witch can loose a hat after a night of too much candy.

No candy was involved during the accident that caused Anthony to have a big red bump on his forehead, as well as a red nose.

On other news Anna loves painting...on paper, toenails, clothes, you name it. She calls her self "An Expe'o't painter". A very modest child you can say.

If your first bigwheels was an empty beer must be a redneck.

If you eat your cheerios out of a recycled restaurant plastic cup...

If your children could win a contest for looking like their pet toys...

Enough redneck stuff, let's play puppies!


Painted faces...after many many pictures, we could not get the right angle...but they were happy showing off their spiders and horses.

Echo. A ghost town.

View from the church.

Next to the church is the cementery. It is a very strange place.

After a few hours walking around a "ghost town" (there are people still living in some of the homes. More than homes they are like old mansions.) you get sleepy.

Just getting cooled off.