Thursday, July 30, 2009

Time to Update...

This used to be the main bathroom of the house. While remodeling the one in the basement...well, we found some problems with this one...and here it is...or what's left of it. It is a good lesson, because Anna is learning to take showers...long showers and Anthony is getting bathed in the kitchen sink and he loves it.

Daddy working with a smile. He says it will be a very nice bathroom. I am glad he thinks that way, because all I 2X4s and plywood.
And in the middle of everthing...well, Shiva gave birth to 11 puppies!! 7 girls and 4 Boys. With 17 members I bet we are the biggest family in Utah!...ok, maybe not.

Big brother Bear came to visit with his parents.

If five used to drive Shiva nuts...we wonder what 11 would do to her. Anna, Anthony, Lolys (la cha-cha) and I built a house for them this morning. With all the work we are doing around our home, building a dog house was easy!...we just need to convince Anthony it is not his.

Summer Days

2009 Best Behaved kids...really.

Flower Girls.

4th of July!

Watching the fireworks sitting on the cool grass.

Anthony loves pictures. Anna on the other hand can't live without them.

I was a little thirsty.

Daddy nos compro un trampolin!

The kids love the trampoline. Anna thinks it would be a good place to sleep and spend the night.

Imitating my sister. Anna does not think Anthony is funny at first.

But after a while they just laugh about it. She is a good sister, and very patient...sometimes.
"I built some houses, and big buildings. Aren't you proud of me?".

Yoga or just bored?

This is the best way to keep your children under control.

Con la Cha-cha en el parque.

The twins.

Still going...
Well, I ate my sock, then I played with some dirt, actually, I took a bath the way elephants do, and now I am just relaxing. My mom thinks that I look like a drifter, but I can't help it.

Eat an apple and enjoy the sunny weather.


Taking good care of my pets.

Chocolate milk!